Thursday 21 January 2016

How to Care for Rose Gold Pendants and Necklaces for Women

The romantic pink tinge of rose gold in a necklace or pendant can simply take your breath away. One of the most beautiful types of alloys jewelry can be made from, rose gold complements the radiance of any gemstone with its brilliant and soothing shine.

Rose Gold Pendants

Made from an amalgamation of yellow gold and copper, the most popular rose gold jewelry today are of the 14 and 18 Karat purity. Well known players in the jewelry market like are continually introducing very desirable rose gold pendants and necklaces for women owing to their growing popularity.

So if you truly appreciate beauty and design, rose gold jewelry is a must have in your collection. However, a piece of art cannot just be left untended. Once you buy your favourite rose gold necklace, make sure you keep it as good as new by taking the right precautions, regular cleaning and proper storage.

Rose gold can develop scratches and get tarnished if not cared for in the right way. So make sure you remove your jewelry before you apply any lotion, perfume, etc. or any harsh chemicals as they can tarnish the jewelry.

Also avoid wearing your necklace when participating in sports or gardening and other activities where there is a possibility of scratches developing on it. Sweating too can cause a layer of oil and dirt to develop on the jewelry.

Regular Cleaning
Many times, it’s just simple dirt which may be making your jewelry look dull. In that case, there is a great way to get back its shine.

-Take a bowl and cover it with aluminum foil with its bright side up. The aluminum helps in enhancing the shine of gold.

-Then pour warm water into the bowl.

-Mix 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp baking soda and 1 tbsp mild dish washing soap without detergent in the warm water.

-Then soak your necklace or pendant into the solution for 10 minutes.

-Remove it and use a soft cloth to clean it further.

-Run it under clean cool water.

-Then thoroughly wipe dry with a soft cotton cloth.

This way you can clean your necklace or pendant once every two weeks. However, it is important to note that if your jewelry contains semi-precious gemstones like pearls, opal, etc., this cleaning method should be avoided as the gemstones need special care.
It is also important to take your rose gold jewelry to a specialist jewelry cleaner at least once a year if you want it to be in top shape.

A simple storage rule for rose gold necklaces is to wrap them in a soft cloth or tissue for protection and store them separate from other jewelry. Especially other metals could cause scratches on your necklaces. Also remember to close the clasp of the necklace so that the metal does not scratch the necklace.

If these simple steps are followed your rose gold pendants and necklaces will complement your rosy complexion for many years to come.

Check here How to Repair Necklaces for Women at Home within Minutes

Wednesday 20 January 2016

10 Rules to Follow When Wearing 24 Karat Gold Jewelry

Anyone would love the idea of wearing pure 24 Karat gold jewellry. Gold just cannot get purer than this. 24 Karat gold contains all 24 parts of gold which means it is 99.9% pure. But did you know that pure gold is not very easy to maintain?

gold jewellry

24 Karat gold is so soft that it can easily bend or get scratched. This is the reason that most jewelers cannot make jewelry easily out of pure gold. Earlier, only simple larger designs were possible with 24 Karat gold as it is impossible to make intricate designs with it. However, with the development of new technology, like electro-forming technology, pure gold can be hardened to enable designing jewelry with it. Sometimes even gemstones can be embedded in it.

So if you really own 24 Karat jewelry, keep in mind that you need to practice great caution when wearing it. Here are a few rules to follow:

1.Always remove jewelry when sleeping, showering, applying oils, lotions, perfumes or working with household detergents, etc. This is because the jewelry can easily get damaged with pressure and chemicals can make it lose its luster.

2.Remove the jewelry when doing any vigorous activity like playing sports, adventure sports, travelling by public transport, etc. Remember the gold tends to scratch very easily.

3.Remove the jewelry when swimming as the chlorine in the water will bleach and discolour it.

4.It’s best to wear the jewelry only at weddings and important functions.

5.For cleaning and polishing, it’s advisable to take your jewelry to a jewelry expert.

6.However, if you wish to clean it at home, just soak the jewelry in warm water for a few minutes and then gently polish it with a soft lint-free cloth.

7.Avoid using any chemical or abrasive cleaners and definitely do not use a toothbrush to scrub it.

8.Make sure you dry the jewelry completely before storing it.

9.Before storing it, wrap the jewelry in a soft tissue for protection.

10.Store the gold separate from all other jewelry to prevent it from getting scratched and damaged.

Pure gold is very high maintenance and so it comes as no surprise that not many prefer to wear it. For jewelry that you can wear on a daily basis or for occasions, it is always better to go for 22 Karat or 18 Karat gold jewelry. Here, the gold is mixed with alloys to make it more durable and wearable. 

On the other hand, if you want to buy pure gold as an investment, you can always opt for 24 Karat Gold Coins. But the most important thing is to be sure that your gold is of the best quality and purity as promised. For this, make sure you only buy from trusted jewelers like where you can find pure gold coins as well as 22 and 18K gold jewelry.

So when it comes to gold, choose wisely and be safe.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

How to Repair Necklaces for Women at Home within Minutes

You’re getting ready for a party and bring out your favourite diamond necklace and suddenly while trying to wear it, the necklace’s clasp comes off! Don’t you just hate it when that happens? Now you might have to rethink all your jewelry for the evening or even change your dress.

But did you know that a few things like repairing a broken chain, replacing a broken clasp and re-gluing pearls can easily be done at home? There is no need to take the trouble of going to a jewelry expert for that.

For this, you first need to be prepared. It’s a good idea to keep a few essentials like extra gold and metal jump rings and clasps as well as two flat-nosed pliers in storage at home so they can come in handy during an emergency.

Now here is how you can go about fixing your necklaces:

Repairing a Broken Chain 
Most of the times, a chain breaks just because a jump ring has loosened up. For this, first re-hook the two loose jump rings and then using the pliers, gently but firmly press each ring closed and there, you have it, your chain is fixed.

In case one of the jump rings has broken, you can just cut off the broken ring and take a new jump ring. Look for the slit in it and widen the slit using the pliers. Remember, always pull the two sides of the jump ring in opposite direction from each other such as forward and back but never away from each other such as right and left as that would distort the shape of the ring. Now hook these new rings on and then tighten them.

Replacing a Broken Clasp
A broken clasp, it almost amounts to the same thing as a broken jump ring. Firstly remove the jump ring with the old clasp with the help of the pliers and then replace it with a new jump ring and attach the new clasp to it.

Re-Gluing Pearls
If your necklace has tiny pearls stuck on it, chances are that over time, they may loosen up and come out. Pearls are generally glued onto metal posts. In case these metal posts are damaged, visit a jewelry expert for repairs. But in case they are intact, first remove any residual old glue from the posts and then use glue like Epoxy to glue the pearl back onto the post. When re-attaching the pearl, if the glue oozes out, it means that you have used too much glue. Then remove the pearl, clean out the glue and try again with the right amount of glue.

So just try out these simple techniques and you will realize how easy it is to fix your necklace within minutes. However, for fixing prongs around a gemstone, soldering gold and other major repair, it’s always better to visit jewelry experts to prevent damage to your precious jewelry.

The best solution though, is to prevent damage to your necklace to begin with. So be extra cautious when using and storing necklaces. More importantly, make sure you buy necklaces for women only from well known trustworthy jewelers like to ensure that you have the best possible quality in jewelry.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Famous Stories About Rings for Women and Men

“We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false!” – Gollum, The Lord of The Rings.

No other than the precious One Ring from J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings can represent the power, fascination and significance of rings in our lives. An entire trilogy about war, love, faith and loyalty was created based around the one evil ring of the dark lord Sauron, a gold ring with an inscription in the Black Speech of Mordor.

Beautiful RingsSince time immemorial, rings have not just been treated as a piece of jewelry; there always seems to have been something deeper attributed to them. A ring can be a symbol of love, friendship, a symbol of belonging to a cult or a legacy or can even represent something sinister.

It is believed that in a way, a ring represents the person who wears it and carries with it the character, personality and power of the wearer. For example, in the DC Comics superhero story Green Lantern, each character is identified by the coloured ring he or she wears and each ring has a power of its own.

Fans of comic books will understand only too well the fascination that rings can hold for them. The Phantom for instance, always got his power from his ring which was made from metals used to crucify Jesus Christ. Two rings made from this material are shown to represent good and evil.

Even the world famous Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling includes the story of Salazar Slytherin’s ring which the Dark Lord or Voldemort goes to great lengths to obtain as his inheritance and then uses it to save part of his soul in it.

There’s no wonder that so many legends have been created around rings. In fact there are also folktales like the European folklore about the Lady with the Ring who was buried prematurely wearing a valuable ring. She wakes up when a thief opens her grave to steal the ring, gives him a fright and returns home where people initially think she is a ghost.

Such mystical qualities are what got me interested in acquiring rings for myself. I thought why not make a legend of my own? To make a ring into a legend, it has to be something that is not only unique and beautiful but also speaks to you; matches your personality. And when I found the right one, I began creating a story of my own.

How can you choose a legendary ring of your own? Firstly, do as I did. I scoured online on websites like for unique collections of rings for women. Secondly, keep browsing and just as it did with Harry Potter, you don’t choose the ring, the ring chooses you.

So what if you find your ring? What story will you weave around it?

Friday 8 January 2016

Simple Ways to Keep Diamond Engagement Rings Clean and Sparkling

What better symbol of everlasting love can there be than a gorgeous diamond engagement ring? A beautiful sparkling diamond is strong enough to cut through almost anything but is indestructible in itself, just like true love.

For most of us, an engagement ring is a permanent piece of jewelry, never to be removed from our finger. However, keeping it on always can also expose our ring to oils, lotions, dirt etc. which form a layer over the diamond and make it lose its luster.

So we approached industry experts and asked them to share a few tips and tricks on how to clean an engagement ring at home. This is what we learnt from them:

1. Firstly, an engagement ring can be cleaned once in two weeks but avoid cleaning it every day as that can create scratches on the metal.

2. To clean the ring, take a bowl of warm water mixed with an equal portion of vinegar or a few drops of mild dishwashing liquid.

3. Keep your ring in the bowl for 10 minutes while agitating the ring inside now and then.

4. Remove the ring and if you still find some dirt on it, you can gently scrub it off with a soft tooth brush.

5. Alternatively, wipe it with a soft cloth.

6. To remove any residual soapy water, run the ring under clean soft tap water but make sure your drain is closed.

7. Then wipe the ring dry with a soft cloth.

So that’s all there is to maintaining the ring that is so close to your heart. Meanwhile, also keep in mind a few precautions:

1. Avoid cleaning the ring with harsh chemicals, toothpaste and powders as they can damage the metal the ring is made from.

2. If the diamond is held by old prongs or tension settings, avoid scrubbing hard as that could loosen the setting of the diamond.

3. In case the ring needs more thorough cleaning, it’s best to go to a jewelry expert to get it cleaned.

So don’t ever let the luster of your love fade out. Just like your relationship, your engagement ring too needs a little bit of care and effort to remain perfect forever.

Thursday 7 January 2016

What Your Jewellery Speaks About Your Personality

Jewellery Speaks About Your Personality
Why do you wear jewellery? Sure, it goes well with your clothes and makes you feel elegant and beautiful. But have you ever noticed that you communicate through your jewellery?

If you’re in a bad mood, you definitely wouldn’t feel like wearing a bubbly gemstone necklace; you’d probably choose something sober like gold or darker shades like black or something angry like blood red rubies. Why is that?

Your personality and your mood actually control your choice in jewellery. This is because jewellery is a very personal thing and helps you show the world who you really are and how you are feeling.

So if you are curious to know more about how your choice of jewellery reflects you, think about your favourite pieces of jewellery or the items you tend to wear more often and then read on.


If you like bold statement jewellery like large, colourful earrings, an eye-catching bracelet, a funky, hippie-style necklace; then you are independent and love to stand out. You’re probably rebellious and hate following social norms but you will fight for what you feel is right. People like you don’t like to follow fashion trends as you make your own trends. Your favourite jewellery item will most likely be earrings or a bracelet and you prefer metals, gold and gemstones.

Classic and Elegant

Prefer simple classy jewellery like a diamond necklace or an elegant pendant? Then maybe you are the practical, down-to-earth kind of person. Traditional and minimalistic jewellery is your thing and you will always have some item of jewellery on you. These traits point out that you possibly like to follow norms, are a family person and are shy but at the same time, love to be social. The jewellery you tend to wear most might be a ring, long earrings or a pendant and you would prefer solitaires or pearls.

Sophistication Personified – If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t mind spending big bucks on something truly chic, maybe a branded necklace or a fine diamond ring, you like the grand life and like to mingle with people of status and caliber. You are likely to settle for nothing less than the best and are a leader in your own way. A bit of a perfectionist and an orderly person who believes in elegance and taste and is particular about appearances. Your favourite items could be a particular necklace that is close to your heart or diamond earrings and you prefer precious stones, diamonds and pure gold.

Fun and Dreamy – A person who loves to enjoy the moment, is impulsive and likes to leave for a holiday at the spur of the moment is someone who would enjoy wearing colours and fun bold pieces. Large hooped earrings, unique gemstone jewellery, a charm bracelet and an oddly shaped pendant are some of the things one might find in your wardrobe. A romantic and witty personality, you are probably always seen wearing one signature piece of jewellery that defines you. Gemstones and gold could be your preferred choice for jewellery.

All Business – There are some people who would rather go completely without jewellery. If you are one of them, then you are the kind who takes yourself seriously, speaks your mind openly and likes to work hard. If you might have to wear jewellery for an occasion, you might just stick to a simple gold pendant and stud earrings and a watch.

So which category do you think you belong to?

Not sure of your favourite type of jewellery? Here is an experiment. There are a few trusted online jewellery shops like which give you options in many designs in gold jewellery, diamonds, gemstones, etc. Browse through the designs and notice what you tend to like best. Then return to this list and then check out which category you belong to. And don’t forget to share your findings with your friends!

Wednesday 6 January 2016

5 unusual ways to wear rings with a style

Tired of trying out thousands of different outfits and hairdos to get that new look? It’s time get out of the monotony of everyday life and do something out of the box. A girl’s best friends are her accessories and one of the cool things you can play around with are your rings.

Here are 5 unusual ways to wear rings to steal the spotlight:
1. Don’t Use Your Ring as a Ring: Intrigued? That’s how you want people to feel when they see your ring hanging from your neck on a long simple chain. Making your ring into a pendant goes amazingly well with anything, may it be a formal top or a casual T-shirt with jeans. It even spruces up your formal office attire.

Style Tip: A platinum band or a flat gold ring are best for this kind of look. Try throwing together two or three rings of similar design but different colours.

2. Chain It Down: 
Another chic way to make your accessories stand apart is to chain your rings. Wear two or more rings on different fingers, chained to each other.  

Style Tip: This looks best when the rings are of the same metal but they can be of different sizes and designs.

3. Stack  ‘Em Up:
Gone are the days when a simple solitary ring adorned your finger. It’s time to stack up multiple rings and add that Wow factor. Wear same tone rings at different positions on your fingers. Do this on two or three fingers with different size rings.

Style Tip: Mix and match the number of rings as well as the thicknesses. Sounds like a bit too much? Not at all. Rings have this strange way of beautifying your fingers in any way.


4. Pair It and Wear It:
Add some spunk by pairing up your stacked rings with a matching bracelet. Make sure you wear three-fourth sleeves that will show off your new style.

Style Tip: Avoid over-stacking the rings. Using a maximum of five rings only on two or three fingers is enough to complement the bracelet without stealing the focus.

5. Bold and Beautiful:
Unique solitary ring
One unusual way to wear a ring is to wear an unusual ring. Get a hold of a large, bold clustered ring with a unique design. This solitary ring is enough to make a statement by itself, without the help of any other accessory.

Style Tip: The ring could be of diamonds or gemstones and it could even be large enough to almost cover two fingers.

So the next time you are bored of your look, don’t worry about your clothes, try out these fun ways to use your accessories.

Style Tip: However, beware of using cheaper imitation jewellery, as it can make the look go wrong. Use real jewellery to add true class and sophistication.

So, are you ready to sport your new look? There are many options of designs and metal tones available online as well! Try these rings for women at one of the trusted online stores like You can easily browse through all your choices and invent your own new style instantly.

You can read here about Trendy Ways to Wear Your New Gold Jewelry

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How you can Steal the Spotlight with Cocktail Dresses and Gold Jewelry?

Jewellery for wedding
Do you feel a strange kind of excitement slowly rising in the air? Well, it’s no wonder, wedding season is here again! Every woman can finally put aside all the everyday clothes and don those gorgeous designer outfits and jewelry that accentuate her beauty and make her feel like a Goddess.
While traditional lehngas, sarees and anarkalis can be truly mesmerizing, the most fun you can have is when shopping for cocktail parties. The cocktail party, with its drinks, appetizers and dancing, is the one event in which you can deviate from the traditional and experiment with a modern, swanky look.

So here are some fun ideas for the trendiest cocktail attires and some essential jewelry advice to go with it.
Bold and Chic – Dare to be different and yet totally in vogue? Get into the party mood with a stylish Dhoti Saree. Traditional colours of bronze or gold with a plain black or red long sleeved choker blouse can look uber-cool. Wear pumps and a purse that match your saree or blouse.

Jewelry Advice: While two matching gold bracelets and heavy gold jhumkas will complement the outfit well, you can altogether skip the necklace since the colour of the saree itself would be shimmery enough.

Elegantly Warm –To avoid freezing throughout a winter wedding, consider the elegant gowns or anarkalis with heavily embroidered jackets made from rich materials like velvet, satin or silk.

Jewelry Advice: White gold, yellow gold or diamond is the best jewelry to complement your jacket. Add a large cocktail ring to large dangling earrings and you will be ready to walk the red carpet.

Mix it Up – Catch the spotlight with a unique fusion outfit of a saree gowns or a gown that looks like a saree. In colours ranging from gold to lighter shades like pink, this dress gives you the ultimate combination of grace, beauty and style.

Jewelry Advice: Bare neck designs allow you to use your heavy necklaces. If your embroidery is heavy, go for the more delicate yellow or white gold bracelets while with plain designs, you can experiment with larger kadas, gemstone cuffs or stacked bangles. Remember to pile your hair up high to flaunt your dangling earrings.

Glam it Up – Of course, your favorite knee-length cocktail dress is an evergreen choice for such occasions. There is a lot of room for experimentation with dress colours like aqua, grey, almond, strawberry pink, custard, etc. and also with mismatched accessories like skin coloured heels with a mint coloured dress.

Jewelry Advice – With funky colours, it’s best to stick with metallic jewelry of gold and silver. While you have a vast choice in Indian or western bracelets, add a matching ring and stud earrings to complete your outfit.

If any of these ideas appeal to you, remember some basic rules for cocktail attires before buying. Avoid overdoing your jewelry; it has to be just right for your outfit. If you’re wondering where to find the best versatile choices, check out the cocktail diamond and gold jewelry offered by trusted websites like Additionally, don’t forget the essential metallic clutch purse to compliment your outfit!

Monday 4 January 2016

Interesting Jewelry Trends that Every Indian Girl Ought to Know

Trends these days are changing so rapidly with time and age. Some items and accessories we used to wear two years ago may not be a good idea anymore. If you are looking to update your wardrobe read on and find out what’s the latest trend out there.

The Teen Dream
Following the new style mantras of teen trendsetters like Rihanna, Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift, we found that firstly, whether layered, beaded or metal, every teenager must own a statement necklace.

Metal cuff bracelets and multiple bangles are in things these days. The more stylish gold or metal bracelets are kept for party wear while a fun day out with friends calls for a funky beaded or charm bracelet.
stud earrings
It is also important to invest in a nice pair of stud earrings, preferably gold or silver so they can go with anything. Although imitation and junk jewellery can be fun and versatile, you’re going to need a couple of items of real jewelry.


For the Woman Who Means Business
Take a look at some of the most powerful, contemporary businesswomen in India like Ipsita Dasgupta of GE South Asia, Kirthiga Reddy of Facebook India or Nita Ambani of Reliance Foundation. What do they all have in common?

Their impeccable outfits are always sober, crisp and business-like and their accessories are minimalistic. You will notice more of stud diamond earrings, a simple diamond necklace or gemstone pendant and if the necklace is layered, it will have simple chains or a single colour.

Think of what your work demands from you and choose your jewelry accordingly. If your work includes presentations and meetings, concentrate the jewelry around the face while if you use your hands more, include more of rings and bracelets.

Thin elegant rings or chunky cluster rings are both trending in the corporate world, while there are many options in bracelets. However, the biggest fashion faux pas is noisy or funky jewelry so make sure you avoid those.

So it’s time to invest in yourself and get some good quality jewelry. But if you’re worried about the cost, there are some trustworthy online jewelry stores like which specially provide reasonably priced unique designs in office-wear jewelry like earrings, necklaces and bracelets for women

The High Life

Thanks to beautiful Indian Divas like Sonam Kapoor and Deepika Padukone, the jewelry trends for the high class, social, partying personality now includes large chunky dangling earrings, especially jhumkas with elegant saris.

Their large diamond and gemstone necklaces are to die for, something like the design of the Charlotte Ethereal Necklace. The trick here is to avoid overdoing the jewelry. So if the neckpieces and earrings are heavy, go light on the wrist or just match your necklace with your bracelet and underplay the earrings.

On the other hand, for older women who prefer the traditional style, saris with cluster earrings paired with a large mangalsutra or diamond or gold necklace is the best way to go.

Trendy Ways to Wear Your New Gold Jewelry

Change exists in our world for a good reason. Without change, there would be no excitement, nothing to look forward to and no creativity. That is why we have changing trends in fashion. Trends can be exciting and innovative and can bring some welcome novelty into our lives.

It’s always useful to stay a step ahead of the others when it comes to know-how in fashion as you can be the one who brings the change in your circle of friends, colleagues and relatives. Many people catch on the trends in clothes very quickly, but what about trends in jewelry?

Nowadays, it’s the accessories that make or break the outfit. Even if it’s a casual top and jeans, if you wear the right bling, it completely transforms your look. So let’s check out some of the cool new jewelry trends you can adopt with your wardrobe.

Mismatched and Mixed Earrings:

The latest buzz is mismatched earrings where you can pair up different earrings for each ear. The earrings can be of the same colour but different shapes and sizes or can be the same shape but of different sizes. It’s actually pretty simple and a lot of fun. Talking about mixing things up, wearing hoops and studs together too has turned out to be quite a rage.

Arm Cuffs and Chained Bracelets:

Gold or brass upper arm cuffs look great with short sleeves. Wearing multiple thin cuffs on the arm can actually look very chic whether with casuals or formals. If you are on a bolder side, you can even get a hold on gemstone studded statement cuffs. However, if you’re more of a bracelet fan, a chained bracelet with intricate chains interlacing between your wrists and fingers can look exceptionally beautiful.

Ear Cuffs and Jackets:

Ear Cuffs
A very novel idea for earrings, ear cuffs is jewelry that embraces the side of your ear. These interesting earrings can be worn along with studs and the best part is that many cuffs are clip-on and so you don’t necessarily need multiple piercings. Ear jackets too are a cool novelty which wrap around a stud or adorn the earlobe, enhancing the beauty of the ears. But apart from these, the newest rage picking up everywhere is the innovative Sui Dhaaga collection with dangling earrings adorn both sides of the earlobes in the most delicate and feminine fashion.


You will find many celebrities sporting beautiful layered necklaces, especially gold chains with mismatched pendants on each layer. However, chokers too are a hot trend, whether in pearl, diamond or gold and they can really set you a class apart from the others. Layered necklaces or choker…confused between the two? Not to worry, you also have the option to go for a chocker with layered chains on it.

Everything you can possibly imagine probably already exists in the fashion world. To find it, all you need to do is look in the right places. Trusted online jewelry stores like are some of the best places to go if you are looking for the latest trends as well as authentic gold jewelry. So now that you know what’s new, go ahead and start experimenting with the latest trends and be a fashion leader in your own way.