Thursday 24 December 2015

Why Should You Give Her That Engagement Ring?

“Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.” – Franz Schubert

The moment you decide to buy an engagement ring for the love of your life, it is not just a matter of presenting it to her and proposing. The ring is just the first step, a symbol of the married life ahead and knowing that now you have found someone special who is just for you.

 “It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” – Rita Rudner
A marriage is a strange union that way, don’t you think? On some days you will love your spouse to death and on others you will annoy each other to death. Some might call it a bitter-sweet commitment where two different people come together and try to live life as one.

It may not always be easy to live with someone different from you but at least you have a companion to face all the challenges of life. Imagine what it would be like facing the world alone.

“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.” – Antoine

 Before taking the big leap, it’s common to get doubts, “Is this person the perfect one for me?” Agreed, marriage is not a piece of cake. You have to work hard every day to make it work. But what would life be like if everything were perfect? If there were no challenges, where would the growth be?

“You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen
So it’s not a question of who you want to marry, but why you want to marry. Why do we marry? Because…

“We need a witness to our lives.  There's a billion people on the planet, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything.  The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things, all of it, all of the time, every day.  You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it.  Your life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness'." – Film ‘Shall We Dance’

engagement ring

Wondering where to start? If you feel now is the right time to buy her that perfect engagement ring, maybe you could start off with checking out some online jewelry stores like After all, if the ring is the first step, it’s going to have to be the perfect design that says, “I want to be your witness.”

Wednesday 23 December 2015

How Fascinating Gold Jewelry Inspired from World Architecture?

Avid globetrotters will strongly vouch for the limitless inspiration that exuberates from architecture throughout the world. The Eiffel Tower, the Burj Khalifa, the Louvre, the Colosseum and many more historical structures have the ability to inspire love, life, passion and creativity in us all.

Global architectural marvels represent the power of man to create great things. And one of the results of this inspiration is a whole new genre of jewelry designs. For those who truly understand the beauty of architecture, a must-have in your unique travel collection is architecture-inspired jewelry.

Complex, futuristic designs of gold jewelry inspired by architecture carry along with them a history, a story or a symbol of a great creation. For instance, the geometrical cut Vita Fede Futturo Ring in Rose Gold, a cocktail ring inspired by the Minara Towers in United States, the AurĂ©lie Bidermann Condor Gold-Plated Clip Earrings inspired by the Big Ben in London, the Rituals Necklace inspired by New York City’s Chrysler Building or the gemstone laden Mexipedium Cuff inspired by Angkor Wat in Cambodia, all make history by themselves as they serve as a splendid tribute to the magnanimous creations of the world.

Among all of these, one of the most fascinating collections of architectural gold jewelry is the Greek-inspired Trellis Collection that is offered by

Trellis Collection

In the 8th century B.C. when the Greeks began colonizing southern Italy, they gave a lot of importance to vine training systems. In order to support and display the vines and shrubs, a special structure called Trellis was created. This structure required great detail and attention as it was an open framework of interwoven pieces of wood, bamboo or metal.

Inspired from this artistic structure, there emerged the Trellis collection of gold jewelry designed with superior quality craftsmanship, with gold intricately interwoven in the most fascinating manner like vines among diamonds.

The Trellis collection includes some unique contemporary creations like the Doreen Trellis Earrings
Doreen Trellis Earrings
and Kalika Trellis Earrings with flowers and pearl drops. The Lucia Trellis pendant with its delicate curves and the Janet Trellis Bracelets don’t just make for an amazing collection but also some of the most matchless designs of statement jewelry anyone could own.

So if you could own gold jewelry as a symbol of your favourite architectural inspiration, which structure would you choose?

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Cool Fashion Facts About Gemstone Rings for Women

Did you know that while some gemstone rings can add real charm to your outfit, if chosen wrong, they can cause a fashion faux pas? Were you also aware that there could be some specific gemstones that match your personality or occupation? Read on to find out some interesting facts and fashion tips for your gemstone rings.

Blue Sapphire
Blue Sapphire Earring

With its intense midnight blue hue, a blue sapphire ring has a dazzling effect to the eye. This stone is one of the most versatile you can find as it goes with almost everything. You can match it with a navy blue outfit or contrast it with warm colours like pale peach or blush tops or something more daring like red or yellow. Grey shades also really help in making the colour stand out. This stone adds a whole new dimension of sophistication and is now a popular choice for engagement rings.

Gemstone Facts: The blue sapphire is believed to be ruled by the planet Saturn and helps bring prosperity, fortune, fame and happiness. It is also believed that one who wears it, gains confidence and feels active.

Pearl Earring

Pearl rings make some of the most glamorous cocktail rings and a must-have if you love sophisticated parties. This ornate white stone can be worn as a solitaire or with clusters of small pearls paired with diamonds. Adding elegance to any white outfit and a great contrast for blue, green and red, this stone has the ability to make a formal blouse or suit look extra chic or can add some spunk to casual jeans.

Gemstone Facts: Considered to be governed by the moon, this stone is believed to help emotional people to strengthen their will power and protects from negative energy and obstacles.


Vary between shades of rosy pink and dark mouve, a ring with a daintier ring like the Leafy Ruby Ring goes well with casuals and jeans while large stones are worn on special occasions for a more sophisticated look. It can even be colour-coordinated with red accessories and shoes. Giving a stark contrast to white, navy and beige, it also adds a romantic touch to florals and passion to a stunning red dress.

Gemstone Facts: Associated with passion and power as it is ruled by the Sun, many politicians and leaders are seen wearing rubies. It also helps to get rid of any negative obstacles and in aids in the cure of heart ailments.

Emerald ring

Imagine the bold, vibrant deep green of an emerald worn with jet black dress. An emerald ring is so strong in its colour that it stands out best with neutral colour outfits and contrasts amazingly well with purple and red.

Gemstone Facts: Emeralds are supposed to get their strong energy from the planet Mercury. They are believed to help children with weak memories and strengthen the power of reasoning and logic which is why they are generally recommended to businessmen, traders and writers.

The choice in gemstone rings is so immense where you can choose from other stones like yellow sapphire, diamonds, red coral, turquoise and more. While diamonds go with every outfit, for other stones, match or contrast them with your primary outfit colour.

The most important thing about gemstone rings for women is the quality of the stone and design of the ring. It is essential to purchase your rings from trusted jewelry stores like if you want value for money and a real sophisticated look.

So which ring would you pick and what outfit would you wear with it?